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Intelligent and Active Telecare

Proactivity and Reactivity

Proactive, SALVEO detects abnormal changes in the old person's daily activities, due to eventual health alteration or discomfort situations: sleeping problems, reduced activity, frequent use of toilets...

Such behaviour changes are usually symptoms of eventual health problems. SALVEO, thanks to its intelligent software, alerts family members and carers allowing better assistance to the old person.

Reactive, SALVEO alerts family members and carers of urgent situations (bathroom fall, no morning awakening ...).


The benefits of SALVEO for the old person living at home :

  • Remain at home in a secure environment
  • No manual or third party intervention required for its proper functioning
  • No extra accessories required
  • Respects the privacy and intimacy of the old person
  • Decrease the risk of health problems
  • Provide crucial information for better care giving and follow up

... and for its family and carers :

  • Be alerted in case of critical situations
  • Have a better feedback on the old person's state
  • Prevent and anticipate eventual accidents
  • Reduce emotional stress
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